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Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Debate: Launching a Successful Deposit Return Scheme

Wednesday 22 February 2023 2:53 PM


Maurice Golden S6M-07975 That the Parliament believes that a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) can make a positive contribution to increasing the rate of recycling and reducing litter for drinks containers; recognises that the Scottish Government has been committed to introducing a DRS since 2013; welcomes the widespread support that the scheme’s environmental objectives have received from businesses, and recognises their concerns over key operational elements of the scheme; understands that businesses, and waste management experts have called for at least 18 months’ notice prior to the scheme launch, and that, with less than six months until the proposed launch, information is still required by stakeholders to both ensure compliance and maximise the operational success of the scheme; notes the findings of the Gateway Review Final Report, which stated that “…a fully functioning and compliant DRS cannot be in operation for the revised August 2023 schedule”, and calls for an urgent independent review of the launch date to enable a successful launch as soon as practically possible. Lorna Slater S6M-07975.2 As an amendment to motion S6M-07975 in the name of Maurice Golden (Launching a Successful Deposit Return Scheme), leave out from "Scottish Government" to end and insert "Deposit and Return Scheme for Scotland Regulations 2020, which establish the approach and structure of Scotland’s DRS, were agreed by the Parliament in May 2020; welcomes the recent progress made by Circularity Scotland, SEPA, the Scottish Government and the UK Government in finalising the key operational elements of the scheme; further welcomes the package of measures recently announced by Circularity Scotland to support producers; notes that the most recent review in October 2022 concluded that 'the DRS Programme has gained increased momentum and is in a much improved position'; understands that Scotland’s DRS will make an important contribution to cutting climate emissions, and calls on the Scottish Government to continue to take a pragmatic approach to implementation, working with industry to identify and address concerns." Colin Smyth S6M-07975.1 As an amendment to motion S6M-07975 in the name of Maurice Golden (Launching a Successful Deposit Return Scheme), insert at end “; acknowledges that an effective modern deposit return scheme reduces carbon emissions and waste; welcomes the changes that have been made to the proposals since the regulations were first made; recognises that concerns from some businesses, in particular small producers and retailers, remain over operational elements of the scheme, and urges the Scottish Government to consider further changes ahead of any introduction, including a grace period for small producers, exemptions for low volume producers, and an opt-in for small retailers to ensure delivery of a viable Deposit Return Scheme that helps meet Scotland’s net zero ambitions.”

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