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Members' Business — S6M-10164 Miles Briggs: See Beyond - See the Lives - Scotland

Thursday 28 September 2023 12:51 PM


That the Parliament notes the campaign, See Beyond - See the Lives - Scotland, developed by the University of Stirling, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the Salvation Army; understands that the campaign aims to reduce the stigma that surrounds deaths due to alcohol and drugs; further understands that, behind every death, there are families, friends and communities who are experiencing devastating loss; recognises the importance of challenging the judgement and stereotypes that people often bring to the topic of substance use, and to people who have problems with alcohol or drugs and their families; commends the campaign pledge committing to be respectful and compassionate towards those affected by substance use, to use non-judgemental language when talking about substance use problems, and to reach out to those they know who have been affected to try to reduce the isolation and stigma that can be faced by those who have been bereaved in this way, and notes the calls on people across Scotland, including in the Lothian region, to sign the campaign pledge at

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